Contact Us

Call or Email for appointment availability

Location: 1201 S Main Street, REAR (aka 1201 Babb St) Old Forge, PA 18518 

Google Maps may not show updated images of this location and GPS may direct 

you to the house on S Main St.  From there you simply turn onto Babb St.

We are the only building straight ahead at the end of Babb St.  You can't miss it.

Location Directives: 

Just as a reference, Babb St. is a block away from Lonesome Road and half a block from Agostini bakery.  Upon arriving to 1201 S main, you will see a side street called "Babb St".  Turn down Babb St and you will see our solarium office building straight ahead alongside the river.

There is plenty of free parking

The bus stops on 1201 S Main St. about 50 feet from our parking lot

We look forward to seeing you!